• Open Hours: Mon - Fri 9:00 - 6:00


Why Myopia control and management are important

Myopia is not curable, however, there are a number of steps you as a parent can take to mitigate long term vision issues.  The two most effective things you can do for your child are Myopia control and Myopia Management.  Myopia Management includes everyday things you and your child can do to help with their vision.  Myopia Control are the medical options available through Midwest Myopia.

Myopia is a progressive eye disorder

If left untreated, there are increasing health risks across a person’s lifetime. These include cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration and others.

Short-term and Long-Term Benefits

Using Myopia Control methods, children may experience better vision between eye exams while increasing overall eye health

Myopia Management

As a Parent, there are a number of steps you can take to help mitigate your child’s Myopia.  In combination with medical options from Myopia Control, we can minimize your child’s long term vision challenges.

Myopia Control

Midwest Myopia provides a number of clinical options for nearightedness.

Multifocal Contact lenses are another on-surgical, non-invasive myopia control method to help correct your vision and slow the progression of Myopia (nearsightedness).
Atropine is a liquid medication that comes in the form of eye drops that can also treat certain eye conditions.
Orthokeratology lenses are specially made lenses worn at night that allow for clear vision during the daytime without contacts or glasses.

Schedule an appointment today

(314) 394-1009

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