• Open Hours: Mon - Fri 9:00 - 6:00


Orthokeratology (Ortho-K) is a non-surgical, non-invasive, way to help control, correct and slow the progression of Myopia (nearsightedness) and astigmatism.  Ortho-K is safe, effective, and convenient for children of all ages.

Ortho-K is a straight-forward Myopia control approach.  The patient wears a set of gas permeable contact lenses that are custom fitted to ensure comfort as they are work at night while sleeping.

While the patient sleeps, the Ortho-K lenses work to gently reshape the cornea and provides a temporary correction to the Myopia.  Within a few days of treatment with Ortho-K, patients typically get to a maximum correction and reduce or remove the need for daytime contacts or glasses for vision correction.

Does Ortho-K work?

Ortho-K is an extraordinarily effective solution for Myopia control.  In recent trials by the FDA, over 65% of participants using Ortho-K lenses at nighttime, reached 20/20 vision goals (without daytime contacts / glasses).  Additionally, more than 90% of participants in that same study reached 20/40 vision (with more severe Myopia progression).  For those with worsened Myopia, this is significant as 20/40 is the minimum requirement for a driver’s license in most states.

Is Ortho-K a good fit for my child?

Ortho-K is an excellent choice for most children between ages 3-18.  Daytime nearsightedness correction with glasses and contacts can not only be a hassle for some, but potentially risky during sports.

Midwest My0pia has seen significant life benefits for our patients when using Ortho-K lenses.  The freedom of not needing daytime contacts or glasses allows our patients to experience life unbound in sports, school and social interactions.