• Open Hours: Mon - Fri 9:00 - 6:00


Myopia and Nearsightedness

With Myopia, distant objects appear blurry.  However, this vision impairment has tremendous effects on children with the condition.  Eyes are their window to the world.  How children respond to what they see; impacts every aspect of life.  From social interactions to school and sports activities, Myopia can prevent your child from receiving the best experiences possible.

  • Blurriness
  • Dizzyness
  • Squinting
  • Headaches
  • Excessive blinking

Mild Myopia

-.50D to -3.00D
Eye Disease
  • Myopic Macular Degeneration - 13.6x
  • Glaucome (OA) - 1.6x
  • Retinal Detachment - 3.2x

Moderate Myopia

-3.00D to -6.00D
Eye Disease
  • Myopic Macular Degeneration - 72.7x
  • Glaucoma (OA) - 2.9x
  • Retinal Detachment - 8.7x

High Myopia

-6.00D or Higher
Eye Disease
  • Myopic Macular Degeneration - 845.1x
  • Glauome (OA) - 2.9x
  • Retinal Detachment - 12.6x

* Haarman AE et al.  THE COMPLICATIONS OF MYOPIA: A review and meta-analysis.  Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science (2020 April 9; 61:49)

Consequences of untreated nearsightedness

It is medically advisable to seek treatment for Myopia immediately since Myopia can lead to situations with severe consequences.  Without treatment, the patients’ severity of vision loss will worsen with symptoms including continuous blurred vision, eye strain, and exposure to other eye complications.

Continuous Blurred Vision

If your vision is blurred when you are focusing on objects that are far away from you, then you know that you are nearsighted.  Being nearsighted does not necessarily mean you have to continue having burring vision though.

Continuous blurred vision can drastically limit your vision range and shortened vision range is a key indicator of high myopia.

With timely medical intervention, you can end blurry vision.

Eye Strain

Eye strain comes with may symptoms such as blurry vision, dry or watery eyes, itching eys, headaches, heightened sensitivity to light and the need to keep eyes closed.  Additionally, it can cause irritation as the patient battles with staying focuses and controlled.

To limit the frequency and severity of eye strain, it is advisable to visit an optometrist for checkup and treatment.

Exposure to other eye complications

Patients that are nearsighted that do not use glasses, contact lenses or treatment such as Ortho-K or Atropine therapy, risk being exposed to other eye complications.  Among long term complications are Gluacoma, Myopic Macular Degneration, Cataracts and others.

Left untreated, Myopia will progress and potentially lead to irrevesible loss of vision.

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